I am extremely proud to have been part of This Old House for more than 35 years. I have enjoyed the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion for landscaping. And my life has been greatly enriched by the professional relationships and friendships I’ve formed over the years.
Some viewers may have noticed that I haven’t been myself over the last season. In fact, I have been dealing with several health issues that have made performing on television more difficult. As a result, I’ve decided to reduce my role on This Old House and Ask This Old House so I can focus more time on my health and my family. I may appear occasionally on our shows, but you’ll also see other landscaping professionals helping with our many projects.
I truly appreciate our fans’ dedication and the concern for my well-being. Please respect my family’s privacy at this time. Rest assured that I am in good hands, and please know that I am grateful for all of your support.
June 2018