Herbs: For Your Health
Get more from your patch of green by planting these easy-to-grow, healthful herbs in your garden, suggests Brian Hetrich, ND, of the Hippocrates Health Institute, in West Palm Beach, Florida
Healthy Herbs: Basil
This highly fragrant plant packs vitamins A and K, and its essential oil has been shown to have antibacterial properties.
Grow tip: An annual, basil can thrive inside or out (plant after the danger of frost passes). It prefers sun and moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil combined with compost. Space plants about 12 inches apart, water at least every other day, and harvest select leaves when a plant is about 10 inches tall.
Healthy Herbs: Rosemary
Rosemary leaves have compounds that may help boost the immune system and improve digestion and memory.
Grow tip: Plant this tender perennial in the ground in warm climates or in pots you can move indoors during winter. It prefers slightly alkaline soil and lots of sun. Space plants at least 24 inches apart, and keep soil moist until the herb is established, which may take a year.
Healthy Herbs: Mint
Great in tea and even in savory dishes, mint can aid digestion, and it also provides vitamins A and C.
Grow tip: Plant seedlings about 15 inches apart in moist, well-drained soil in a sunny spot. (Mint spreads rampantly, so consider using pots.) Keep well hydrated, watering at least every other day. Removing the leaves from the top of a plant will encourage new growth down the stem.