A Doctor’s House Rebuilt Post-Fire

Published March 2016
Price: Free (must be moved)
Location: Guntersville, Alabama
Contact: Roy Bryant, 256-558-5828; roydbryant@charter.net
The history: As a prominent local physician, L. D. Lusk would have needed a house that could double as an office. So when he built his family home, around 1880, he erected an elaborate center-hall Colonial Revival, which no doubt would have instilled a sense of confidence in visiting patients. In 1915, he passed away, leaving the home to his daughter and son-in-law. That house burned down in 1931, but when the family, apparently quite fond of the original, decided to rebuild, in 1939, they erected a near-replica on the same site, this time opting for fire-resistant brick in place of wood siding. The house stayed in the family for several generations—until Lusk’s great-great-granddaughter sold it and the surrounding parcel to an adjacent church, in 2013. Now, the church would like to build on the land and is offering the house for free to anyone with the means to move it.
Shown: The spacious house boasts five bedrooms and three bathrooms. The graceful exterior features elongated sunburst-fan details over the first-floor windows.
(Mostly) Original Divided-Light Windows

Why save it? The house has a classic symmetrical design and is flanked by matching enclosed porches. A simple portico over the entrance is supported by Doric columns. The interior retains a number of original details, including wainscoting and a wood mantel.
Shown: Wherever the house is moved, it’s sure to draw in plenty of light, thanks to its exceptionally tall divided-light windows, most of which are original.
Handsome Wainscoting in the Dining Room

What it needs: Moving the 3,417-square-foot house will be a sizable project, though the structure is in good condition. Guntersville is a small town of 8,200 about 70 miles north of Birmingham. The town is perhaps best known for its 69,000-acre recreational lake, where $22,000 will buy a half-acre waterfront parcel that could be a perfect new site for this gem of a house.
Shown: Simple but handsome wainscoting lines the dining room; the entry is one of the home’s many French doors.
Pilaster Details for the Living-Room Mantel

A painted wood mantel in the living room is adorned with fluted pilaster details.
Light-Filled Side Porches

Divided-light windows and French doors are common to both enclosed side porches.