S34 E10: Swedish Design Details
Tom Silva shows Kevin O’Connor how he’s installing Southern yellow pine board accents in key spots to coordinate with the maple flooring that Norm Abram is installing. Tile is set the master bath, and the roof deck gets PVC porch boards and custom rail.
Home Inspection Nightmares XXVIII
Questionable structural supports, scary wiring, explosives in the attic, and more sketchy building practices found by the home inspectors in The ASHI Reporter
S11 E9: Window Trim, Pool Heater
Tom installs interior window trim. Richard installs a new device that will heat a swimming pool for free using the excess heat produced by a central air conditioner.
S34 E9: Gutters, Range, Fireplace
Kevin O’Connor and Norm Abram find the painters spraying the house a sunny yellow, while Tom Silva trims out the windows. Copper gutters and wood-burning fireplace go in, and homeowner Sally Peterson explores commercial-grade cooking appliances.
Circular Saw 101: How to Make a Straightedge
Need to make straight cuts with a circular saw? See these pro tips on making a board to guide long rip cuts with the grain of wood.
How to Make Perfect Angle Cuts With a Circular Saw
Using a circular saw to make an angular cut is great for tasks such as framing, trimming, and creating custom pieces. The first time can be tough, though. Read our guide to learn how to cut correctly.
Circular Saw 101: How To Use Sightlines for Accurate Cuts
Correctly using a circular saw's sightlines will help you to make accurate cuts. Learn how to properly use this tool in our step-by-step guide.
How to Square a Circular Saw Blade in 10 Simple Steps
Need to square your circular saw blade? See these pro tips on checking the accuracy of your circular saw blade angle.
Circular Saw 101: How To Adjust the Blade Depth
Learn how to adjust the blade depth on a circular saw for safer, cleaner cuts, and longer tool life with these simple steps and expert tips.
S11 E8: Vinyl Fence, Shower Clog
Roger works with a fencing contractor to install a vinyl privacy fence. The guys ask "What Is It?" Richard replaces a clogged shower valve.
S34 E8: Plaster, Shingles, Radiant Heat
Kevin O’Connor meets plasterer Vito Bucco. Norm Abram and Tom Silva match the old shingle pattern. Kevin visits interior designers Andrew Terrat and Dee Elms. Radiant heat and the boiler are going in.
How To Build a DIY Room Divider
Use MDF panels and wood molding to transform your entry with a stately new built-in columned room divider.
How To Make Candlesticks From Stair Balusters
Check out our comprehensive guide on how to make candlesticks from stair balusters.
S11 E7: Kitchen Sink, Sidelights
Richard installs a brand new kitchen sink and faucet. Tom installs insulated sidelights on a front door.
S34 E7: Old and New in Harmony
Roger replaces the front walk. Tom shows Kevin the replacement windows. A tile contractor uses a shower waterproofing system. Kevin sees a modern home in Brookline. A painting contractor starts prep.
Drill Driver 101: How to Set a Screw Properly and Safely
Follow these professional tips on how to set a screw properly with your power drill and make every job easier.
Drill/Driver 101: How To Use a Variable-Speed Trigger
Follow these pro tips on using a variable-speed trigger to better control your drilling and screw driving in your construction projects.
Drill/Driver 101: How to Use the Clutch for Efficient Work
Learn how to adjust the clutch on your drill/driver to get the proper torque for efficient drilling and perfect screw driving.
Drill/Driver 101: How to Use a Transmission Switch
Learn how to choose the right speed for properly sinking screws and drilling holes with drills and drivers in this video and guide.
Could You Be Allergic to Christmas?
Sneezing and congestion might not be the signs of a seasonal cold but rather a reaction to holiday decorations
How To Weatherproof and Protect Your Outdoor Decorations
Read our guide on weatherproofing your outdoor decorations to protect them from the elements and keep them in excellent condition.
What Really Happens in a House Fire
It only takes seconds for a small flame to become a life-threatening fire. This guide explains how a fire spreads in the first four minutes.
S34 E6: Exterior Improvements
A mason repoints the foundation. Norm and Tom repair the front porch. Kevin visits Community Rowing. Spray foam insulation begins in our balloon frame house.
S11 E6: Task Lights, Cable Rail
The guys visit NYC. Richard tours a scale model of the city. Kevin works with a local electrician to add task lighting to a dark kitchen. The guys play "What Is It" with Jimmy Fallon in Times Square. Roger visits a park built atop an old train line. Tom adds a cable railing system to a deck.
10 Uses for Wine Bottles
Spare yourself heavy recycling bins and repurpose wine bottles with these creative ideas for your home and garden.