Budget Fixes for Drafty Windows
Dealing with drafty windows and doors this winter? Keeping your home warm doesn’t have to come at a high price, thanks to these easy-to-do fixes.
Relocating the Cookspace for a Bright, Functional Kitchen
Building a new kitchen in the old family room delivered the central, open-plan gathering space this couple and their kids wanted.
S33 E6: New Space Revealed
Kevin O’Connor and building science expert Joe Lstiburek discuss OBS sheathing. Tom Silva installs new post supports. Norm Abram meets window restoration specialist Alison Hardy. Tom and Kevin take down the old wall of the ell.
A Warm, Welcoming Dining Space for $1,474
A blank box becomes an inviting gathering spot with new paint, molding, trim, and furniture
Everything You Need to Know About Kitchen Islands
Kitchen islands are multipurpose units that can enhance a kitchen's utility and appearance. Find our best kitchen island ideas here.
How to Use Salvaged Building Materials in New Construction
The TOH TV team is ginning up clever ways to reuse centuries-old house parts to give brand-new spaces an aged patina
S10 E5: Insulation, Foundation
Kevin works with an insulation contractor to show the proper way to insulate a wall using fiberglass batts. The guys ask "What Is It?" Tom helps a homeowner repoint a fieldstone foundation.
S33 E5: Yard and New Gable Wall
Kevin O’Connor meets landscape designer Jenn Nawada to see the site plan. Roger Cook removes invasive vines from the back yard. Tom Silva and Norm Abram raise the new family room gable wall. Tom and Kevin repair a historic window sill. Norm and Kevin demo the ceiling in the ell.
How to Sponge Paint a Wall
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on using a sea sponge on flat walls to create unique pattern.
S10 E4: Hedge Pruning, Tile Backsplash
Roger helps a homeowner prune an overgrown evergreen hedge. The guys ask "What Is It?" Tom helps a homeowner install a tile backsplash in his kitchen.
S33 E4: New Entrance, Old Bricks
Kevin O’Connor finds the walls of the entry addition framed up. Tom Silva creates the connection to the main house. Mark McCullough repairs the chimney. The fireplace gets removed from the kitchen. Norm Abram revisits the Acton Project.
Easy Salvage-Style Halloween Decorations
Assemble your own fright-worthy decorations out of salvage-yard and thrift-store finds—even the junk in your attic
How To Ghostbust Your Home and Deal With Paranormal Activity
Is your home haunted or just noisy? Here's everything you need to know about finding the right ghost buster to rid your home of its specters.
S33 E3: Work on the Addition Begins
Tom Silva and Mark McCullough open a hole in the old foundation. Richard Trethewey visits the local library to see the oldest existing flag in the country. Tom finds and repairs a rotted sill. Tom forms the new foundation out of ICFs.
S10 E3: Water Heater, Range Hood
Richard helps a homeowner replace a corroded fitting on his water heater. The guys ask "What Is It?" Tom helps a homeowner install a vented range hood in her kitchen.
Jack-o'-Lanterns With Famous Faces
These legendary-looking gourds feature meticulous portraits of some of your favorite celebs and fictional characters. All carvings from TOH Pumpkin Carving Contests of years past
A Dated Bath Gets a Timeless Update
A faded pink bath became a well-organized space with period touches and oceans of blue and white tile
S10 E2: Shower Valve, Banister
Richard helps a homeowner repair her faulty shower valve. Tom helps a homeowner rebuild her wobbly stair banister.
S33 E2: And the Work Begins
Roger Cook saves plants from the yard for future use. Roger clears overgrowth that’s in the way of the addition while Kevin and master carpenter Norm Abram begin demo. Roger sets up a drain and sump pump to deal with water in the excavated hole. Mason Mark McCullough demos the chimney.
Surprising Sources of Radiation in Household Items
Many of us are unknowingly exposed to radioactive things everyday, here are 9 household materials and products that could be emitting low levels of radiation.
Spooky Halloween Home Decor
Get into the spirit of the season with 19 truly terrifying decorations that'll make your Halloween haunt the scariest on the block
S10 E1: Moving Trees, Hooking Up a Washer
Roger and arborist Matt Foti help a homeowner transplant two trees. The guys ask, "What is it?" Richard helps a homeowner hook-up the plumbing to her washing machine.
S33 E1: Welcome to the Bedford Project
In this episode: TOH TV takes on the renovation of one of its oldest houses to date, a 1720 Georgian home listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
12 Fall Fix-Ups That Pay You Back
Address these minor problems and maintenance tasks to prepare your home for the winter, save money, and maybe add a little value.
How To Create Paint-Spattered Furniture for Your Home
Read our guide to learn how to use the fun art of paint-spattering to revive tired, old furniture and give it a fresh look.