

Wood Entry Door Materials and Finishes

Learn all about the different materials and finishes you can use for your wood entry door so you can make the best decision for your home.

Get the Right Door for Your House

A door can distinguish the style of a house—so if your entry is due for an upgrade, let the look of your place help you pick the best match.
An illustration showing the different parts of an electrical outlet.

What's In an Electrical Outlet? How to Diagnose and Fix Outlets

Learn about the different parts of an electrical outlet, such as wiring, plates, and more. Our guide will help you to better understand your system.

How to Repair Mortar in a Brick Wall

Repointing is a simple job, but it has to be done with care, using the right tools and the right materials.

S7 E26: Drain Trap, Floating Floor

Richard repairs a leaking PVC drain trap underneath a kitchen sink, the guys ask: "What is it?", Tom installs a new, bamboo "floating" floor and Roger shows how to clean roof gutters without a ladder.

How To Install Foam Crown Molding

Interested in elevating your home’s decor? Our guide explains the benefits of foam crown molding and offers step-by-step instructions on this easy DIY project.

S30 E26: This Brownstone is Beautiful Once Again

After final installations and a look at the whole transformation, the crew gathers on the front stoop to celebrate the completion of the project and to congratulate Michael Streaman on a job well done.

Everything You Need To Rewire a Light Fixture

We're sharing everything you need to know to rewire or replace an old light fixture on a tight budget.

Tips To Choose and Install a Tile Backsplash

You can make an affordable and stylish upgrade to your kitchen with a new tile backsplash. Follow our tips to choose the right patterns.

4 Tips for Finishing an Attic

Building-code basics for turning attic space into living space

Cottage Remodel

A finished attic added space and light, inspiring other tweaks that make this small house smarter

S7 E25: Bathroom Vent Fan, Organic Lawn Care

Kevin helps a homeowner install a new bathroom ventilation fan, the guys ask "What is it?" and Roger shows homeowners how to care for their lawn without using chemicals or pesticides.

S8 E24: Bird Feeders, Molding, Dual-Flush Toilet

Roger shows how to attract various bird species. Tom shares various types of interior moldings and their uses, the guys ask "What is it?" and Richard conserves water with a "dual-flush" toilet valve.

S30 E25: Wood Finishes Restored to Original Brilliance

Restored white oak entry doors are reinstalled, connections to the appliances and sink are finished. Norm sees the new temporary wall in the master bedroom. Kevin gets a lesson in furniture shopping.
A modern farmhouse style potting room.

How To Create a Modern Farmhouse-Style Potting Room

Transform your potting space with modern farmhouse style. Discover essential items, decor tips, and storage solutions for your potting room.

S7 E24: Garage Door, Winterizing Pipes

Tom Silva helps a homeowner install a new garage door. Then Richard Trethewey shows a homeowner how to "winterize" his plumbing to prevent frozen pipes when the house is unoccupied.

S30 E24: The Dream Team

Interior door trim in the new library. Marble from Italy and manmade quartz is installed. New electrical service is set up for the three-family house. Unconventional method for grouting floor tile.

How To Build a Branch Trellis in a Pot

Learn how to build a simple and stylish branch trellis in a pot, perfect for supporting climbing plants and adding charm to your garden.

How to Craft a Bookcase Alcove

Make the most of your space with this this smart, slim storage solution
A storage unit installed in the corner of a room.

Smart Storage Solutions to Make the Most of Your Space

Explore our guide to space-saving storage solutions that enhance your home's design while providing ample room for your belongings.
different products to use for removing grime on woodwork

Clean Grime from Woodwork

Explore techniques, cleaning mixtures, and tips for how to keep furniture looking fresh without the need to strip or refinish.

How To Refinish Woodwork

Whether you're performing a quick cleaning or a complete strip-down, you can remedy a tired, old wood finish.

S7 E23: Basement Finishing, Knots, Tree Storm Damage

Tom prepares concrete basement walls for finished wallboard. Richard shows Kevin how to tie a few basic knots, the guys ask "What is it?" and Roger demonstrates how to care for storm-damaged trees.

S30 E23: Made In New York

Norm learns a faux painting technique to disguise old woodwork. Finished countertops arrive for the kitchen and is installed. A mud bed for garden tile and a mosaic bathroom floor are laid down.
spindle table made from salvaged stair pieces.

How to Build a Table From Stair Parts

Create a space-saving central repository for keys, leashes, and mail in your front entry using vintage stair parts.