Season 26 - The Carlisle House
This Old House purchased an 1849 Greek Revival farmhouse in a pastoral suburb of Boston to give it the update it desperately needs, then hands it off to new owners.
Carlisle | Polyurethane Moldings and Millwork
Kevin meets millwork specialist Mark White at his showroom that specializes in high-density polyurethane trim
One Small, Happy Family
How do you plan the perfect living space for people you haven't met?
Tom Silva's team gives a whole new meaning to the expression "raising a barn."
Foundation on a Flatbed
The new foundation at the Carlisle Project won't be arriving in a cement mixer. It will show up on a truck, be installed in less than a day, and stay weather-tight for decades.
Expect the Unexpected
A septic tank turns up in a surprising spot, which may mean a bit more digging than we'd planned on.
Walls (and Roof) That Won't Come Tumbling Down
The new construction at Carlisle consists of foam-core panels that are strong enough to stay put for a century, and solid enough to keep the fuel bills low.
Structural Insulated Panels at Carlisle
These foam-core panels at Carlisle will stand for a century and keep heating costs down
Interior Design Plans at Carlisle
In Carlisle, we put our newest crew member to the test with a design assignment that was a bit unusual—even for us
3 Different Designers Tackle Rooms at Carlisle
How three different designers put their stamp on the Carlisle project house
Finishing Up at Carlisle
Tom Silva's long—make that very long—list of finishing tasks
The Carlisle House: 21 Need-to-Know Lessons
A celebration of This Old House's 25th-anniversary remodel—from start to spectacular show-house finish—with more than a score of important lessons for every homeowner
7 Methods for Reducing Road Noise in Your Backyard
Our experts' favorite noise reduction tips to help you block out the sounds of busy street traffic and your neighbor’s lawn mower.