Designed to Catch the Sun

If you only have one wall with windows, try putting your sink on a peninsula. That way, you face a window while washing dishes (highly desirable) and an in-kitchen dining table gets direct sunlight.
The Waltons’ 21-Century Kitchen

Rustic and efficient are not mutually exclusive concepts.
Coolly Modern Kitchen

Here, the decor balances sleek tones created by Corian counters and white cabinets with warm notes courtesy of the lights and wood floor.
Stone-Age Kitchen

Maybe it’s Mayan-influenced, maybe Aztec. Either way, this outdoor kitchen has to be the social hub of the neighborhood.
Lost on a Kitchen Island Paradise

If we’re ever stranded on an island, please, Neptune, let it be on this one.
Varietal Kitchen

Look at all the mixing going on here. Verticals and horizontals, green with merlot, stainless with wood. Having style doesn’t mean you can only use one design style.
Can it be Too Warm in the Kitchen?

A strong Mediterranean vibe permeates this kitchen. And notice the S-shaped flow the kitchen imposes on traffic through the room. Very dynamic.
Taking the Kitchen Ceiling Up

Here, heat and eyes have room to move up, which is physically and psychologically enjoyable.
The Simple Kitchen

Here’s a design for those who feel kitchens are becoming overly adorned.
Lateral Lines in the Kitchen

There’s a lot to recommend this kitchen (such as the peekaboo exhaust fan in the top center), but none of it arrests the eye like the horizontal paneling.
An Elemental Kitchen

There’s a reason why so many restaurants flaunt exposed brick. Though it’s stone, brick is a visually warm and comforting material.
Kitchen With the Fire Down Below

Again with the design point/counterpoint. You have the warm brick on the floor against the glacial whites and dark green above. It doesn’t hurt that something in the next room is reflecting a lot of mint.
A Farm Take on Kitchens

You’ve probably never been in a farm kitchen on a bright winter day, but at least now you know what it looks like. This is a room that will feel warm in a blizzard.
Quintessential Beach House Kitchen

There’d be people in this photo if they weren’t all out digging up clams. This kitchen is efficient yet friendly. And taking the ceiling up so high will draw heat, away from occupants, on still days.
Richly Appointed Small Kitchen

The myth: Small kitchens must have the character of an airline galley. The reality: See photo at left. The cabinets are rich and inviting, but it’s the backsplash that set the room apart.