Master Carpenter

“Norm back at it. We see less of him these days — after 39 years of TOH and 20+ years of New Yankee Workshop I can’t blame him — but every time he’s on site it’s a treat.”
RELATED: Norm’s Best Tricks of the Trade
Chippendale Railing

“A Chippendale railing (yes, the Chippendale) made by our friends @sweenor_builders for our idea house. Apparently, Mr. Chippendale saw the pattern in China and brought it to England in the 18th Century. Not as fancy as his chairs or highboys but pretty damn nice all the same.”
RELATED: Idea House Reveal 2017
Our General Contractor

“I often wonder how many people would love to show up to a job site instead of an office every day. Sure, it’s cold and dirty and hot and noisy — but it’s always different and it’s never dull. And of course there’s the added benefit of working with guys like this.”
RELATED: General Contractor Tommy Silva’s Greatest Hits
Mike Rowe Joins This Old House

“By the way, Mike is as solid a guy as you’d suspect. Generous, good-natured, and friggin’ funny. No surprise, right? Check him out tonight on the season premier of This Old House.”
RELATED: This Old House Generation NEXT
A Perplexed Tom Silva

“A perplexed Mr. Silva wondering why I have a camera in my hand, and not a shovel. #TOHNewton”
RELATED: Newton Generation NEXT House
Apprentice Bailey Beers

“That’s Bailey Beers, one of our apprentices this season. She’s down from Maine and totally down for some hard work. Check out the grin on her face — yup, able to dish it out as well as take it. She knows her way around the job site, has been there before and it shows. Welcome to the crew, Bailey.”
RELATED: The Apprentice Diaries
On Location with Ask This Old House

“Early morning shoot for ASK This Old House. The barn looks good this morning. Who’s watching the new season that started two weeks ago?”
RELATED: Watch Ask This Old House TV
Not All Fun and Games (Just Sometimes)

“It just doesn’t get any better than this. @mikerowe photobombs Tommy.”
RELATED: Creating the Next Skilled Generation
Working with the Homeowners

“Even Mr. Silva lies down on the job from time to time. Tommy and our #TOHDetroit homeowner, Frank, fixing one of about five leaks in the old roof.”
RELATED: Kevin’s Photo Album | Welcome to Detroit
A Day of Rest

“Day of rest. Give thanks.”
RELATED: Thanksgiving Survival Guide
The Masters

“The fellas. Richard and Norm chillin’ on the site. #TOHNewton”
RELATED: Ask This Old House: Richard Trethewey’s Greatest Hits
Buildin’ in the Rain

“A little rain today in Charleston, SC. New project underway. (Love this guy. What a spirit.)”
RELATED: Charleston Single House
Up on the Rooftop

“Did I mention that Mike Rowe is joining us this season? Yup, he is and together we talk about the skills gap in America. It’s something Mike has been passionate about for a long time and no one tells a tale better than Mike. Here he is with Tommy and another Mike, one of several apprentices who are joining us this season to work alongside our crew. Tune in tonight on PBS to hear the rest of the story. #TOHNewton”
RELATED: The TOH Apprentices
Local Talent

“Here’s the first of two final thoughts before I put to bed the #TOHDetroit project. When we got to Detroit we saw devastation and neglect. We also saw remnants of the finest housing stock in American history. This city was truly home to the American Dream. And we also got in over our heads. The house needed more work than our homeowners could handle in the time we gave them. But then strangers started showing up. A few at first, then a wave. They offered to help because they loved our show and they loved their city even more. They wanted to make sure that when the country saw Detroit they saw its promise. They drove, flew, trucked, dug, plumbed, painted and plastered when the cameras weren’t rolling until the house was complete.
We’ve seen a lot of this kindness lately in Texas and Florida. And I know many of us see it most days in our schools, churches and communities. It’s there, it always has been. Please don’t forget that, and don’t let the dividers distract us from who we are.
There are scores of contractors and others to thank for their work in Detroit but the first among equals is pictured here: Josh Engle. He came early, stayed late and got it done. Josh, thanks for letting us lean on your shoulder.”
RELATED: Kevin’s Photo Album | Working with the Community
Entryway of the Henry Ford Estate

“Whoa, now that’s an entrance. The front foyer and grand staircase of the @henryfordestate. This place is off the hook and in great condition but there are still plenty of rooms being worked on. The woodwork in this house was like nothing I’ve ever seen. #TOHDetroit”
RELATED: Kevin’s Photo Album | Tour the Neighborhood
Apprentices on the Jobsite

“Don’t mess with Maine. One of our apprentices, Bailey Beers, giving the camera a stare-down.#TOHNewton”
RELATED: Meet the Winners of Our Generation NEXT Casting Call
In the Details

“That’s Jason Wood in the background, putting up the flare detail that will define the separation between the shingles on the second story and the claps on the first. This detail is just above the doors on the new garage. #TOHNewton”
RELATED: Newton Generation NEXT House
Apprentice Austin Wilson

“Say hello to Austin Wilson. He’s just 18, graduated from HS on a Saturday, boarded his first plane on Sunday and was on the job site Monday morning. He’s loved carpentry since he was a kid (well, a younger kid) and now he’s trying his hand at it professionally. Quick with a smile, up for anything, first to jump behind the wheel of the new truck (thanks GMC). Welcome aboard Austin.”
RELATED: Apprentice Diaries: Rebuilding the Newton Porch
Arlington Arts & Crafts

“We are all done with our #TOHArlington project so it’s time to show off the finishes. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear back from you folks.
Here is the front showing off the new paint color and the amazing porch. Copper roof, flared column bases, woven shingles. Love it.”
RELATED: Arlington Arts & Crafts
Master and Apprentice

Master class. Master Carpenter. And one to be. #TOHNewton”
RELATED: Norm Abram’s Best Tricks of the Trade
For more Kevin O’Connor photography, find @kevinoconnortoh on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.