This Old House
Season 46 starts with the revival of a 1929 brick cottage in Nashville, TN. Then, the crew heads to Ridgewood, NJ to remodel a 1930s Colonial Revival. The last stop: a 19th century historic home in Westford, MA.
Latest Seasons
The North Shore Farmhouse: Instant Charmer
TOH TV follows along as a couple's quest for quality leads them to a factory-built home
S37 E25: A Race to the Punch List
The staircase is finished. Richard shows the system for getting well water. A backup generator is installed. Kevin learns to fit a reproduction lantern. Kim turns a mud pit to a beautiful front yard.
S37 E24: House Requires Some Assembly
Kevin helps fit the cabinets. Work starts on the driveway. Granite is used for a patio. The den gets wainscoting. The homeowners select interior paint colors. Erik installs the factory-made staircase.
S37 E23: Making New Look Old
Kevin helps install clapboard siding. Roger selects salvaged granite. Richard discusses the insulation plan and sees how the geothermal pipes are connected. Kevin watches the cabinets come together.
S37 E22: 400 Years of Home Technology
Drilling begins on a geothermal system. Norm visits first-period homes. Kevin tours a factory where the stairs and panels are built. On the North Shore, he learns of a new technology to seal ductwork.
S37 E21: Up on the Roof
Erik lays shingles on the roof. Kevin learns colonial roof making. In Vermont, Kevin sees handcrafted light fixtures. Window installation begins. Norm heads to Maine to search for salvaged doors.
S37 E20: North Shore Framezilla
Kevin sees the plan for the living/dining room and the roof. After framing the house, the crew moves to the garage. Exterior trim arrives. Kevin learns how to attach the fascia board to the rafters.
S37 E19: Truck In The New House
An inspector checks the foundation as a perimeter drain is installed. The framing process begins. An architect explains her landscape plan to make the property look antique.
S37 E18: The North Shore Is a Blast
Tommy and Kevin visit the Vermont factory where the house is built. Richard meets Ed Akerley, who blasts rock to make room for the foundation. Norm and Erik watch Scott McKenzy lay the foundation.
S37 E17: This Old New House
A new project begins: a traditional farmhouse in Massachusetts, built in a factory 200 miles away.
The North Shore Farmhouse
This Old House TV shows it's possible to get old-house charm from scratch with new materials
The North Shore Farmhouse: A Mill-Built Reproduction
A young family realizes the best way to get the old-world quality they want is to start from scratch
S37 E16: Good-bye, Tired Old House
Roger finishes the landscape. Tommy makes disguised PVC floor registers. Richard installs the storm windows. The house is revealed, and everyone celebrates the renovated home.
The Belmont Victorian House Project: After
The TOH TV crew finishes remodeling an 1895 Queen Anne for a young family
The Belmont Victorian House: Period Porch Overhaul
The wraparound porch of this Queen Anne puts history front and center in the latest TOH TV house project
S37 E15: The Final Countdown
Norm and Tommy build a divider for storage. Richard reviews the mechanical systems. A special primer is used in the kitchen. Kevin learns about window treatments. Tommy goes through his punch list.
S37 E14: Inside-Out Restoration
Roger replants the trees and shrubs. The backyard and treehouse are completed. Norm meets a craftsman who carves newel posts. Tommy and Kevin install kitchen cabinets. The marble countertop is fitted.
Sneak Peek: The North Shore Farmhouse Project
This Old House continues with a new and unique project on the North Shore of Massachusetts
S37 E13: What's Old Is New Again
Norm builds a ladder for the tree house while Tommy lays decking, and Kevin fits balusters. The shingles are prepped for paint. Tommy fits a storm window, finishes the mudroom, and patches flooring.
S37 E12: This Old Tree House
Tommy finishes the front porch. Kevin visits Vermont to see an artisan create a custom floorcloth for the kitchen. Tommy builds the porch railings. Kevin builds a tree house for the kids.
S37 E11: Grinding Out the Details
Tommy makes a mudroom-porch window. The homeowners select paint. Tommy clads the porch piers in shingles. Marble tile is laid in the master bath. Tommy builds floors in the kitchen and master suite.
S37 E10: Victorian Warmth
Tom Silva lays the front at the Belmont Victorian. Katherine selects lighting fixtures while Tommy solves the ice dam issue. A gas fireplace and shingles are installed.
S37 E9: True Colors
Kevin O'Connor and the homeowners look at samples of the Belmont Victorian exterior paint scheme. The tub is restored. An electrician wires the new master suite, and Tommy makes new molding.
S37 E8: Antiques for an Antique House
Kevin O'Connor and Katherine look at antiques for the Belmont Victorian. HVAC expert Brian Palen snakes ductwork through the house. Tommy frames the porch and shows Kevin how he built the stairs.
S37 E7: Victorian 2.0
Richard creates an HVAC plan. An excavation crew replaces a water line and brick is laid for the porch. Tommy protects the mudroom against moisture and critters, while the homeowners pick a bathroom.
S37 E6: Opening the Entry
The mudroom foundation is laid. Tommy builds a custom bay window. Norm watches window restoration. Tommy puts in another beam to open up the front entryway.
S37 E5: It's Foundation Time
Porch piers are fitted, and the homeowners explore kitchen cabinet options. Tommy vacuums the old insulation while Norm resizes a door for the kids’ bath.
S37 E4: It's All About the Beams
Flitch beams are installed. Kevin tours the Laminated Veneer Lumber Factory. Richard finds a rear-mounted toilet and the homeowners formulate a landscape plan.
S37 E3: Bracing the Basement
Rotten lally columns are replaced; Richard takes a tour of the Homer House and its original air conditioning and pluming. The hardwood floors are salvaged.
S37 E2: The Kitchen Came Tumbling Down
Roger saves plants before demolition. Norm tours Belmont's Victorian homes. Tommy provides structural support for open walls. Norm helps repair the window pulley systems. A hidden staircase is found.
S37 E1: Dude, Where's My Victorian?
A new project begins in Belmont, MA with a focus on salvage and restoration. The homeowners plan to revive their 1895 Victorian with a new front porch, refurbished windows, and an open kitchen.
The Belmont Victorian House
Opening the 36th season, This Old House TV will renovate a three-story 1895 Queen Anne in the Boston suburb of Belmont