S16 E20: The Napa Valley House
Work begins. Jim Nolan’s crew tears off the back porch with a backhoe. Norm visits architect Jon Lail’s office to see the proposed kitchen addition and is treated to a "virtual reality" walk-through of the space.
S7 E5: Cherry Bathroom Vanity
Norm builds a cherry bathroom vanity, guiding the woodworker through the details of constructing the vanity's raised panel doors using only a router
S16 E19: The Napa Valley House
Steve and Norm head to a 1906 farmhouse inCalifornia’s Napa Valley. The house is in need of a new, larger and brighter kitchen, as well as a new roof and a reinforced foundation.
S7 E4: Outdoor Garden Table
Norm builds a low round, slat-topped outdoor side or coffee table out of durable teak
S7 E2: Pergola
Norm's elegant pergola will look great draped in wisteria and is constructed of durable pressure-treated southern yellow pine
S16 E18: The Acton House
The final days; Richard Trethewey takes Steve on a plumber’s final tour through the basement and bathrooms, and interior designer Judy George shows him the decorated rooms.
S16 E17: The Acton House
Tom Silva is in the dining room and describes what they did to fix the low dining room ceiling.
S16 E16: The Acton House
Steve finds Norm Abram and Tom Silva installing the new front entry that was built in the workshop. Tom finds the house to be off by 6" and they describe how they compensated.
S16 E15: The Acton House
Steve in kitchen where they are installing the wide paneled floor. Owners decide to leave imperfections on wood facing up. Dana is applying shilack for construction adhesive for wood and panels are nailed in with guns.
S16 E13: The Acton House
Steve sees Terry busily caulking the battered clapboards of the west gable in preparation for the top coat of paint. Norm meets up with architect Chris Dallmus for a research trip around Acton.
S16 E12: The Acton House
Tom Silva tests out the old-fashioned v-shaped gutter he made for the front porch, then takes Steve on a tour of the house. Paul Kennedy explains to Steve the challenges he faced in working with the house’s steel studs.
S16 E11: The Acton House
Steve discusses a few details of farmer’s porch that he thinks should be reconsidered. Norm and Richard Trethewey review the heating and cooling systems.
S16 E10: The Acton House
Tom Silva shows Norm his reroofing progress-stripping of old shingles, plywood sheathing, new shingles, ridge vent. Steve Thomas visits historic Deefield, MA.
S16 E9: The Acton House
Norm explains to Steve that it might make sense to replace the heavily weathered clapboards. Tommy Silva and Norm show what’s involved in installing a replacement window.
S6 E12-13: Playhouse - Parts 1-2
Norm's blockbuster, two-episode project for the sixth season is a playhouse that boys and girls alike will love
S16 E7: The Acton House
The addition is weathertight. Tommy shows Steve the lightweight steel partition walls he’s building. Norm tours a plant in Tennessee that makes power tools.