Curb Appeal Planning

Prepare for your next curb appeal project by discovering our planning ideas & tips.

Image of a home with double hung windows. It is important to choose the right window types for your home.

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How To Choose the Right Window Style for Your Home

Discover how to choose the perfect window style for your home, balancing aesthetics, functionality, and energy efficiency.
Fixer-upper home renovation project

Quick Tips for Tackling a Fixer-Upper House

Intimidated by the thought of a big home renovation? These tips will make your fixer-upper project more manageable.

11 Ways to Save Water, Time, and Money on Your Landscape

If you're not irrigating your lawn, flower beds, and container plants using the most targeted, time-efficient methods possible, you're wasting water—and money

How to Design an Entry Garden

Plan a front-yard landscape that boosts curb appeal and welcomes you home

Get the Right Door for Your House

A door can distinguish the style of a house—so if your entry is due for an upgrade, let the look of your place help you pick the best match.
A building with a pointed cupola on top of it.

Everything You Need to Know About Cupolas for Your Roof

Cupolas sit atop a roof ridge and bring light and air into a dark attic space. Check out a few here that also bring style to their rooflines.
A building with Victorian designs and multicolored paint on it's exterior.

How To Choose Perfect Exterior Colors for Your Home

No matter your home's architectural style, this guide will walk you through some of the best techniques for choosing a new paint color.

Selecting a Cedar Shingle

Red or white? Re-shingling their house in Manchester, the McCues have ended up with the best of both colors.
A set of outdoor steps bordered by lighting fixtures.

How To Optimize Outdoor Lighting to Make Your Home Shine

Use our detailed guide to set up an effective and secure outdoor lighting system around your property, including the garage and garden.

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