Gardening Videos

These This Old House videos showcase all of our gardening projects, how-tos, and designs.

S45 E19: Jenn Nawada gets a tour of a community garden in Glen Ridge, NJ

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Glen Ridge Community Garden Tour

Jenn Nawada takes a trip to Freeman Gardens, a local community garden where she gets a tour from Garden Association President Kevin Sherry and learns about its connection to the Glen Ridge, NJ project house.
S23 E3: Jenn Nawada helps select the right fruit trees for a Florida garden

How To Select Tropical Fruit Trees

Choosing tropical fruit trees can be a challenge. With harmful diseases like HLB, the ideal conditions and soil, and even watering frequency, knowing which to choose for a backyard (and which to keep in planters is tough. When a homeowner struggled to restore his hurricane-battered garden, he called landscape contractor Jenn Nawada and a local citrus expert to help.

How To Grow Tropical Plants Indoors

Learn how to cultivate tropical plants indoors with our guide on plant selection, proper potting techniques, and maintaining optimal conditions.
S22 E26: Jann Nawada visits a rose garden in Portland, OR

Jenn Learns All About Roses

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada heads to the International Rose Test Garden to choose the perfect rose variety for a homeowner’s garden bed.
S22 E21: Jenn Nawada plants a garden bed

How To Replace Grass with a Garden Bed

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada helps a couple redesign, repurpose, and restore their front yard’s design after removing two mature but rotten oak trees, exposing the yard to full sun.
S22 E9; Jenn Nawada explains worm farming to Kevin O'Connor

How To Create a Worm Farm

Worm castings are a nutrient-dense, organic fertilizer that can enhance your garden or lawn. Find out how to make your own worm farm here.
S22 E1: Tom Silva and Kevin O'Connor build a double-hexagon raised garden bed

How To Build a Hexagon Herb Planter

In this article, we show you how to tackle a hexagon planter DIY project. Find the steps, materials, tips, and more inside.

Building Garden Beds with Local Girl Scouts

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada and carpenter Nathan Gilbert help a troop of Girl Scouts restore their raised bed gardens with fresh wood, some replanting, and Tom Silva’s one-of-a-kind planter.
S21 E20, Jenn Nawada plants a sun and shade garden

How to Create a Sun and Shade Garden

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada helps a homeowner design a garden that will work with their half-sun, half-shade yard perfectly, turning the homeowner’s backyard into a little oasis.
S21 E18, Kevin O'Connor and Jenn Nawada visit a garden center to discuss pollinators

A Simple Guide to Pollinator Plants

Learn about pollinator plants and their role for critical insects and birds with This Old House landscaper Jenn Nawada and host Kevin O’Connor.
S21 E17, Kevin O'Connor, Jenn Nawada, and Lee Gilliam discuss outdoor tool maintenance

Simple Guide To Outdoor Tool Maintenance

Identify the most helpful outdoor tools and learn how to maintain them year-round with help from This Old House's landscaping experts.
A finished potting bench next to a shed.

How to Build a DIY Cedar Potting Bench

This Old House DIY expert and House One editor, Jenn Largesse, shows how to build a potting station made from naturally weather-resistant wood.

How to Care for Houseplants in 5 Easy to Follow Steps

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada discusses how to care for houseplants with Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist Jennifer Rollo.

How to Build a Compost Bin

Want to enrich your gardening and promote a healthy environment? Building a compost bin is a simple DIY project that can be very rewarding.
Self-watering planter built by Sal Vaglica

How To Build a Self-Watering Planter in 10 Simple Steps

Read our guide to learn how to build a self-watering planter that keeps your plants hydrated and healthy with minimal effort.

All About At-Home Soil Test Kits

If your garden or lawn is looking scraggly, you may want to test your soil. Here are a few ways to do so at home.

Everything to Know About Growing and Maintaining Succulents

This Old House landscaping contractor Jenn Nawada visits a local greenhouse to discuss everything you need to know about caring for succulents.

Everything To Know about Hydrangeas

Watch as This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada explains why she loves hydrangeas, where to plant them, and how to care for them.

Houseplants for Different Areas of the House

This Old House landscape expert Jenn Nawada takes us to a local greenhouse to discuss how to choose houseplants for any room.

How to Build Window Flower Boxes

This Old House carpenter Nathan Gilbert and landscape contractor Jenn Nawada build custom window boxes for a colorful touch of curb appeal.

How To Compost at Home

Discover the benefits of homemade compost and learn from landscape contractor Jenn Nawada how to create compost in your own backyard.

3 Easy and Effective Ways To Protect Your Garden This Winter

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada shows host Kevin O’Connor how to preserve and protect a garden over the winter.

All About Ornamental Grasses

Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada discusses a variety of ornamental grasses and how to use them in your landscape design.

All About Mulch: Types, Benefits, and Application Tips

Discover everything you need to know about mulch, from the different types available to the benefits it offers your garden.

All About Growing Echinacea

Ask This Old House Landscape Contractor Jenn Nawada explains how to identify and care for echinaceas. She also shares a variety of ways to incorporate them in a garden.

How to Maintain Bypass Pruners

Ask This Old House Landscape Contractor Jenn Nawada explains what should be done to maintain a set of bypass pruners and why it matters.

How To Clean Up and Expand a Garden

An overgrown garden can look disheveled and unkempt. Here's how to transform yours into a beautiful outdoor oasis.

How to Choose Plants for Hot Climates

Roger Cook, landscape contractor, visits a large nursery in Fayetteville, NC, to see which plants will work well for landscaping in warmer, southern climates.

Low-Maintenance Ground Covers for Any Type of Yard

Landscaping expert Jenn Nawada explains how ground cover plants are a creative alternative to rocks and mulch, and then tells us about some of her favorite varieties.

How To Build a Self-Watering Vegetable Garden

In this DIY Smarts project, Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada travels to Raleigh, North Carolina, to help a couple build and plant a self-watering vegetable garden.

How to Plant Organic Vegetables | This Old House: Live!

Need a family-friendly weekend project idea? Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada demonstrates various ways to plant vegetables in a raised garden bed—and how to get kids involved!

How To Plant an Indoor Garden and Troubleshoot Issues

Growing your own herbs and flowers can be easy if you plan correctly. Learn how to plant an indoor garden in our step-by-step guide.

How to Plant a Victorian Garden That Will Last Year Round

Ask This Old House landscape designer Jenn Nawada helps a homeowner plan, plant, and decorate a Victorian garden.

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