Seed libraries are unique collections that offer free seeds to community members, encouraging gardening, preserving rare plant varieties, and fostering a sense of connection to our agricultural heritage. In this article, we’ll explore the world of seed libraries, their benefits, and how you can get involved in this growing movement.
What Is a Seed Library?
A seed library is a collection of seeds that community members can borrow, plant, and ideally return after harvesting. These libraries aim to preserve heirloom and open-pollinated plant varieties, promote local food security, and share the joy of gardening with the public. Unlike traditional libraries, seed libraries don’t expect every “book” to be returned, but they do hope that successful gardeners will contribute seeds from their harvest to keep the collection growing.
The Rise of Seed Libraries in Public Institutions
Seed libraries have experienced significant growth in recent years, becoming an increasingly common feature in public institutions across the country. As of 2024, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are over 500 seed-lending libraries throughout the world, many of them located in one of the U.S.’s nearly 17,300 public libraries. This trend reflects a growing interest in sustainable gardening practices and the preservation of plant diversity.
Not all seed libraries exist within their traditional book-lending counterparts, but public libraries are well-suited to host seed libraries. They are accessible community spaces that already have systems in place for lending and cataloging materials. Libraries also serve as educational hubs, making them perfect for providing resources on gardening, seed saving, and local agricultural history. The familiar, welcoming environment of a library can encourage more people to try gardening, even if they have no prior experience.
Benefits of Borrowing Seeds
Seed libraries offer numerous advantages to individuals and communities alike. From preserving rare plant varieties to supporting local food systems, the benefits of these programs extend far beyond the garden.
Preserving Genetic Diversity
One of the primary goals of seed libraries is to maintain the diversity of plant species, particularly heirloom and open-pollinated (OP) varieties. An heirloom is, generally, any cultivar that existed before World War II, after which hybrids became commonplace and commercial farming began focusing on fewer varieties—ones cross-bred to tolerate shipping, drought, frost, and pesticides.
OP plants, which include heirlooms that don’t self-pollinate, are generally fertilized when wind, insects, or birds carry pollen from plant to plant. Unlike hybrids, OP and heirloom seeds produce next-generation plants that are very similar to the parents, a boon to gardeners who must otherwise buy hybrid seeds annually to get similar results from year to year.
Together, heirloom and OP plants represent unusual or rare varieties, some hundreds of years old and others indigenous to specific areas. Preserving plant biodiversity by saving OP seeds is important. According to a report by the Rural Advancement Foundation International, an estimated 93% of the seed varieties available in the U.S. in 1903 were extinct by 1983.
Lost forever are unique flavors and plants adapted to a wide range of growing conditions, and with most of the world’s food coming from a handful of plants, conserving what grows well locally is key to protecting our food supply. “There’s a tremendously valuable reservoir of genetic information in heirloom and open-pollinated cultivars,” says Irwin Goldman, chairman of the Department of Horticulture at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Connecting With Cultural and Regional History
Even more than tasty tomatoes or fragrant sweet peas, what is saved with heirloom seeds is regional and cultural history. “Seed saving and plant sharing are American traditions, practiced for hundreds of years,” says Rebecca Newburn of California’s Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library. Preserving those traditions keeps the stories of these foods alive alongside the plants themselves, from the protein-rich tepary beans that were a staple for Native Americans in the Southwest to the Carolina African runner peanut, which started the South’s peanut industry.
Supporting Local Food Security
By encouraging people to grow their own food, seed libraries contribute in a small way to local food security. They provide access to a wide variety of plants that are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions. This diversity can help protect against crop failures and ensure a more resilient local food system.
How Seed Libraries Work
The process of using a seed library is straightforward and designed to be accessible to all community members, regardless of their gardening experience.
Borrowing Process
The way a seed library works is simple. Seed packets are generally stored in a cabinet or an old card catalog, where they’re divided by category—edible, herb, and ornamental—and arranged alphabetically, often with a label indicating how difficult a plant is to grow. Some of the easiest seeds to grow and save come from beans, lettuce, peas, and tomatoes. Flowers that produce large seeds are also on the simple end of the spectrum, as well as those that are easy to identify once the flower head dries, like marigold, morning glory, and zinnia.
Borrowing is straightforward—put a few seeds of a variety in an envelope (most libraries ask that you leave enough for the next person), and jot down the name and growing information. If a garden-smart librarian isn’t on hand, there are usually books, handouts, and online videos available to help. “Choosing what to grow is like going to the candy store,” says Janak Desai, who uses seeds from Connecticut’s Fairfield Woods Branch Library to grow the area’s renowned Southport onion, which was pickled and eaten to fight scurvy during the Civil War.
Case Study: Utilizing a Seed Library
When Ben Hagyard went to the Himmel Park Library, about a mile from his home, in Tucson, Arizona, he walked past the bank of computers and stopped at an old wood card catalog near the cookbooks. Flicking through drawers organized alphabetically, he pulled out six bar-coded packets that had labels like “Devil’s Claw” and “Hopi Red” and proceeded to the checkout desk.
Then he headed home, not to read but to plant what he had checked out—heirloom-variety amaranth, corn, and other seeds. He planned to grow them, harvest the seeds, and replenish the card-catalog stores so that others could repeat the cycle. By doing this, Hagyard took advantage of his local seed library.
“At first, I found the idea of seeds in a library pretty funny,” says Hagyard, who’s now been borrowing for over three years. “But I’ve become interested in so many things because of it. I eat better. I pay more attention to the seasons and the environment, and I’ve met other gardeners. How cool is that?”
Returning and Replenishing Seeds
Though the hope is that borrowers will be able to return seeds from a successful harvest, it isn’t required. “Our aim is to put seeds in people’s hands,” says Alida Given, director of Alabama’s Magnolia Springs Library. “You will not be fined if you don’t return seeds.” A 40% return rate is considered a huge success.
How To Find or Start a Seed Library
If you’re interested in participating in a seed library, there are several ways to get involved.
Locating Existing Seed Libraries
To find a seed library near you, you can check out the Community Seed Network’s map or check with your local public library. The Seed Library Network also has a user-created Google Map. If you’re located in northern California, the Richmond Grows Seed Lending Library website offers an extensive list of Bay Area seed libraries.
Steps To Create Your Own Seed Library
If there isn’t a seed library in your area, consider starting one. Seed libraries can be housed in public libraries, community centers, schools, or any accessible public space. For help, contact local gardening organizations, farmers’ markets and environmental clubs about sourcing surplus seeds, plus any schools or community groups who might want to provide volunteers.
Proper storage, labeling, and organization is key to keeping the program running in the long term. You’ll also need a database to track check-outs and returns. Once you’ve gotten started, you’ll need to grow community engagement through education and marketing. It’s an extensive but rewarding project. The Richmond Grows website provides a list of resources that can act as a guide for starting a seed library in your community.
Alternative Ways to Access Heirloom Seeds
If you don’t have access to a seed library, there are other ways to obtain heirloom and open-pollinated seeds. Another option is to buy seeds from companies that specialize in heirlooms, such as Victory Seeds or Sow True Seed, and share them with other gardeners. You could also join the Seed Savers Exchange. Despite the name, the organization doesn’t require you to save or exchange seeds to access its thousands of heirloom varieties.
Our Conclusion
Seed libraries represent a powerful grassroots movement to preserve plant diversity, promote sustainable gardening practices, and strengthen local food systems. By providing free access to seeds and education about gardening and seed saving, these libraries empower community members to connect with their food sources and agricultural heritage.