Landscaping Videos

These This Old House videos showcase all of our landscaping projects, how-tos, and designs.


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Celebrating Craftsmanship | Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith is a landscape contractor by trade, but a staple in his community through love. He’s helping restore what he loves about Detroit, Michigan through his many programs and organizations. He deserves to be celebrated.
S23 E13: Jenn Nawada learn about beekeeping

What to Know About Beehives

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada visits Detroit Hives, a nonprofit in the Detroit area, to learn more about bees, their hives, and what beekeeping involves. Spoiler alert: She sneaks a taste of those bees’ hard work before she leaves.
S23 E11: Mark McCullough builds a gravel foundation for a backyard shed

How to Make a Gravel Shed Foundation

When homeowners run out of space in their homes and garages, they often turn to a shed for a bit more flexibility. But, these outdoor structures need a sturdy, level base that sheds water for longevity’s sake. When a pair of homeowners needed a gravel foundation for their new shed purchase, mason Mark McCullough was happy to help out.
S23 E10: Lee Gilliam removes overgrown arborvitae

How to Remove Arborvitaes

Arborvitaes are great privacy trees and they were once in style. But, old, overgrown arborvitaes are no one’s idea of a handsome fixture. When a homeowner bought their home equipped with some overgrown green emeralds, he called the team at Ask This Old House for help.
S23 E3: Jenn Nawada walks through a Florida citrus grove

Jenn’s Orange Grove Memories

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada tells us what it was like to grow up in Florida amongst the citrus groves. From enjoying fresh grapefruit to selling picked fruit from the basket of her bike, she cherishes her time in The Sunshine State.
S22 E25: Jenn Nawada and Lee Gilliam discuss transitioning a landscape from spring to summer with Kevin O'Connor

How To Transition a Landscape From Spring to Summer

Host Kevin O’Connor meets with landscape contractors Jenn Nawada and Lee Gilliam to talk about what homeowners should do to transition their yards from spring to summer.
S22 E17: landscapers Donald Jordan and David Jones

Celebrating Atlanta Landscapers

Brothers and fourth-generation landscapers Donald Jordan and David Jones work together every day, celebrating their love for landscaping and family tradition.
S22 E16: grazing goat

All About Goat Grazing for Overgrown Landscapes

Plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey steps (carefully) outside his normal trade to show us an eco-friendly way to clear overgrown yards: goats with an insatiable appetite.
S22 E16: Jenn Nawada helps renovate and firescape a front yard

How to Firescape a Yard to Protect Your Property and Community

Learn how to firescape your yard with our guide and expert insights from TOH's Jenn Nawada to help protect your family and community.
S22 E15: Lee Gilliam helps a homeowner reclaim a yard overrun with invasive species

How to Manage Invasive Plants and Take Back Your Yard

Learn how to manage invasive plants and take back your yard with expert tips from This Old House's Lee Gilliam and our detailed guide.
S22 E3: Lee Gilliam pushes a wheelbarrow

Ask This Old House Introduces Lee Gilliam

The newest member of the Ask This Old House team takes us for a ride to tell us about himself and how he started his business, and offers some advice to budding entrepreneurs.
S21 E20, Jenn Nawada plants a sun and shade garden

How to Create a Sun and Shade Garden

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada helps a homeowner design a garden that will work with their half-sun, half-shade yard perfectly, turning the homeowner’s backyard into a little oasis.
S21 E16, Jenn Nawada learns about landscaping on wetlands

What You Need to Know About Wetlands to Master the Habitat

Learn more about wetlands from This Old House expert Jenn Nawada and our detailed guide so you're ready for this habitat.

How to Install Cobblestone Driveway Edging

Mason Mark McCullough helps a homeowner keep her driveway from washing away by replacing an old brick edging with big, bulky cobblestone.

How To Maintain a Backyard Pond

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada helps a homeowner restore their backyard pond to its former glistening glory.

How to Build a Block Retaining Wall

House One editor and DIY Expert Jenn Largesse walks us through the process of building a retaining wall in her backyard.

How to Build a Stone Water Fountain

Did you know building a stone water fountain can be done in just a few hours? Click here to learn everything you need to know.

How Jenn Nawada Became a Landscape Designer

Landscape contractor Jenn Nawada explains how she found her trade and how she ended up on the team at Ask This Old House.
Two people preparing a high traffic landscape

Landscaping Tips for High-Traffic Areas in Your Home

Tired of neighbors trampling your grass? Turn it into an attractive pathway instead. Learn more at this link.
S19 E18: Jenn Nawada discusses arborvitae

All About Arborvitaes

Arborvitae trees are a dynamic and hardy addition to your backyard, creating privacy screens, wind breaks, and overall lusciousness.

How To Reface a Concrete Wall With a Stone Veneer

Mark McCullough and Jenn Nawada work together to reface an ugly concrete wall with a thin stone veneer that better matches the rest of the patio.

Future House | Automated Landscaping Technology

Take a back seat to yard work with advanced technology. Check out our guide to learn about new solutions to help you to mow, water, and weed.

All About Japanese Maples

In this article and video, landscape contractor Jenn Nawada explains all about Japanese maples, their varieties, and the best care tips.

Touring the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C.

Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada travels to Washington D.C. to see the Cherry Blossom Festival.

How To Plant a Cherry Tree in 9 Simple to Follow Steps

Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada travels to Washington D.C. to help a homeowner select and plant a cherry tree for his house.
A man standing in a yard with piece of pipe for a dry well.

How to Build a Simple Dry Well in 16 Easy to Follow Steps

Ask This Old House expert mason Mark McCullough builds a dry well for a homeowner with unresolved drainage issues in his backyard.

How to Plant a Victorian Garden That Will Last Year Round

Ask This Old House landscape designer Jenn Nawada helps a homeowner plan, plant, and decorate a Victorian garden.

How to Plant Hardier Foundation Plantings

Ask This Old House landscape designer Jenn Nawada helps a homeowner replace and improve foundation plantings that have been crushed by snow piles

How to Plan for Spring Bulbs

Ask This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook and landscape designer Jenn Nawada share some tips for planting spring bulbs

How to Upgrade to a Smart Irrigation System

Ask This Old House landscape contractor Jenn Nawada shares DIY Smarts tips when she travels to Orlando to upgrade an irrigation system.

How To Grow Grasses on the Prairie

Ask This Old House landscape designer Jenn Nawada partners with a Wyoming ecologist to learn about different types of prairie grasses.

How To Repair a Cracked Stucco Retaining Wall

Ask This Old House mason Mark McCullough travels to San Diego to repair a crack in a concrete retaining wall with a stucco finish.

How To Create a Vertical Garden for Small Spaces

Watch as Ask This Old House landscape designer Jenn Nawada installs a vertical garden to maximize space for a homeowner.

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