Drought-resistant ornamental grasses are a practical solution in areas where water must be conserved. Once established and rooted, these grasses require little watering. This article looks at the different drought-tolerant ornamental grasses that can grow in water-scarce environments for a sustainable outdoor space.
“Where drinking water is scarce, it doesn’t make sense to use so much of it on our lawns and flowers,” says landscape designer Nicole Lopez, who works in Santa Monica. “You need to match plants to the climate that you live in. It just doesn’t work the other way around.” The following grasses are great choices for low-water gardening, with information on different climate zones so you can pick the right option for your home.
Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses come in a range of shapes, sizes, and colors. These grasses are known for adding movement and textures to gardens throughout the seasons. Many drought-resistant varieties provide a safe habitat and food for local wildlife.
Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’)
Maiden Grass is a popular choice because of its low maintenance requirements. This grass has clumping green leaf blades that create a fountain-like effect. In fall, coppery-red plumes grow. Maiden Grass grows 4–6 feet tall, making it a great choice for creating privacy screens in your garden. It prefers full sun with average soil conditions and can withstand temperatures as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit (F).
Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’)

Zebra Grass is known for its distinct appearance and drought resistance. This variety grows pale yellow blades across arching leaves, creating a zebra-like pattern. In late summer to early fall, Zebra Grass grows silky spikes that add visual interest to your outdoor area. It grows 4–6 feet tall and prefers full sun or some shade with well-drained soil. It’s able to survive at -10 degrees F, making it good for a wide range of climates.
Blue Oatgrass (Helictotrichon sempervirens)

Blue Oatgrass has a cool, silvery-blue hue with stiff leaves that grow in a neat, mounded shape. In mid-summer, flower spikes start growing and can reach 4-feet high. Blue Oatgroass prefers full sun and well-drained soil, and it is able to tolerate temperatures as low as -20 degrees F. This grass adds color contrast to your garden and works well in rock gardens or as a border plant.
‘Elijah Blue’ Grass (Festuca glauca)

‘Elijah Blue’ Grass is a compact, drought-resistant grass with a cool blue color and what-like stalks. Growing 8–12 inches tall, ‘Elijah Blue’ is great for small borders, rock gardens, and container plantings. It prefers full sun to partial shade, especially in hot, humid regions. The grass can withstand -20 degrees F and has a lower growing height, making it a great ground cover option for slopes or areas where erosion control is needed.
Leatherleaf Sedge (Carex buchananii)

Leatherleaf Sedge is a unique ornamental grass that adds texture and color to your garden. This grass grows stiff, thin stalks that grow upright and reach two feet tall. The grass has a distinct reddish-brown color that resembles copper, contrasting with green plants in your landscape. Leatherleaf Sedge prefers partial shade in dry climates, making it a good choice for areas with less direct sunlight. Compared to other grasses, it grows at +10 degrees F.
Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana)

Pampas Grass is a large ornamental grass that grows clumps of green blades topped with white and pink flowers that bloom in late summer. Pampas Grass grows quickly and can reach up to 8 feet tall, making it a good choice for privacy screens in your garden. It prefers partial shade and well-drained soil, withstanding temperatures of +10 degrees F. However, it can be invasive in some regions, so check local regulations before planting.
Oriental Fountain Grass (Pennisetum orientale)

Oriental Fountain Grass has a soft, flowing texture that grows rounded clumps of green foliage and wheat-like flowers in summer and fall. It grows 2–3 feet tall, making it a great choice for mid-sized borders or larger plantings. This grass grows best in moist soil and +10 degrees F, but it’s adaptable to different conditions once it’s rooted.
Blue Panic Grass (Panicum virgatum)

Blue Panic Grass, or Switchgrass, is a native North American grass with silvery-blue blades and pink flowers that bloom in late summer. It grows best in full sun with well-drained soil and can withstand temperatures as low as -10 degrees F but is adaptable to many climates. This grass can grow up to seven feet tall and is attractive to many birds, providing food and shelter.
Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’)
Feather Reed Grass is an upright ornamental grass that can grow 3–5 feet tall. It has narrow green leaves that transition to a soft golden color in the fall and grows tan flower plumes in early summer, which can last through winter. The most adaptable of all ornamental grasses in our article, it can grow at -30 degrees F. Feather Reed Grass is great for screening, borders, or as an accent plant on its own.