Pathways & Sidewalks Videos
These This Old House videos showcase all of our sidewalk projects, how-tos, and designs.

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Brick Pavers for Walkways
The old concrete sidewalk is being replaced by a more period-appropriate brick walkway. Glen Ridge, NJ homeowner Jason and his parents have experience with such a project. Jenn Nawada meets up with them to see the progress and gets a lesson in brick pavers from paver expert, Doug Rose.
How to Repair a Concrete Sidewalk in 5 Simple to Follow Steps
The freeze-thaw cycle is wreaking havoc on a homeowner’s walkway, but This Old House mason Mark McCullough answers the call.
How to Resurface Worn Concrete
Trowel concrete resurfacer over your worn walkway, and you'll have a brand new, durable surface with uniform color. Before you get started, check out this how-to video on working with concrete.
How to Install a Pea Stone Walkway in 7 Simple to Follow Steps
Create a beautiful pea stone walkway for your yard with this guide covering everything from planning to installation and maintenance.
The Best Ice Melt for Driveways
Mason Mark McCullough gives a basic overview of a few different ways to de-ice walkways and driveways during the winter, and how those deicers impact different types of masonry.
How to Install Precast Concrete Steps
Mason Mark McCullough helps a homeowner remove his crumbling stone steps. Then, he tours a factory to learn how precast concrete steps are made and helps install a set at the homeowner’s house.
How to Redo a Brick Path
In this video and guide, This Old House Mason Mark McCullough shares how to redo a brick walkway that was originally a rush job.
How to Build a Concrete Paver Walkway
Concrete pavers are great for designing and creating a gorgeous walkway for your home. Learn how with this simple DIY guide.
How To Replace a Concrete Walkway With Brick Pavers
Ask This Old House mason, Mark McCullough, replaces a cracked and worn concrete walkway with new brick pavers.
How To Install and Maintain a Rustic Stone Walkway
Elevate your property's outdoor space by installing a front walkway using natural, rustic stone. Our step-by-step guide shows you how to place stones properly.
How to Repair a Paver Walkway With a few Simple Tools
A damaged walkway can be an eyesore and a safety hazard. Learn how to repair a paver walkway with just a few simple tools, and how to properly maintain it.
How to Build a Bluestone Walkway
Ask This Old House landscaping contractor Roger Cook helps a homeowner remove a flagstone walkway and replace it with bluestone
How To Repair and Restore a Broken Stone Walkway
If you've got cracked stones creating a safety hazard on your walkway, don't stress. Replacing them is a manageable DIY project.
How to Repair a Mortared Flagstone Walkway
This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows a no-mortar way to fix a mortared walkway
How To Repair a Brick Walkway to Boost Curb Appeal
If your brick walkway has bumps and chips in it, it's time for a repair. Luckily, this DIY task isn't as daunting as it may seem.
How to Build a Flagstone Walkway
This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows how to rescue an old stone walkway
How to Lay a Brick Paver Walkway
This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows how to lay a beautiful and long-lasting pathway
How to Repair an Asphalt Walkway
Has a tree root caused your asphalt walkway to raise up and crack? Don't worry - seasoned DIYers can handle this fix in a day.
How to Lay a Bluestone Walkway
A bluestone walkway can be a gorgeous way to spruce up your landscaping, and most DIYers can build it themselves. Read on to find out how.
Everything You Need to Know to Set Stone Slabs Perfectly
Learn how landscapers make beautiful, long-lasting steps from giant stone slabs with This Old House's Roger Cook and a licensed stonemason.
How To Repair a Flagstone Walkway
Do you have a loose or cracked flagstone in your walkway? You can fix it yourself with these step-by-step instructions.
How to Lay the Base for a Brick Path
This Old House landscaping contractor Roger Cook shows how to prep the ground for a beautiful brick walkway
How To Lift a Sinking Concrete Slab
Got sloping patios or uneven sidewalks? See how to lift a sinking concrete slab with This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook.
How to Lay a Gravel Path
In this how-to video, This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook creates a rustic DIY gravel walkway
How To Lay a Perfect Flagstone Walkway in 4 Simple Steps
In this how-to video, learn to create a beautiful natural-stone walkway with This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook.
How To Design a Brick Walkway
Design a custom brick walkway for your yard or garden with this easy how-to guide. Follow these expert tips to learn everything you need.
How To Powerwash a Walkway
Get your outdoor walkway looking as good as new. Here's everything you need to know to power wash your walkway and get a professional finish.