Pathways & Sidewalks Videos

These This Old House videos showcase all of our sidewalk projects, how-tos, and designs.

S45 E23: Jenn Nawada learns about brick pavers

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Brick Pavers for Walkways

The old concrete sidewalk is being replaced by a more period-appropriate brick walkway. Glen Ridge, NJ homeowner Jason and his parents have experience with such a project. Jenn Nawada meets up with them to see the progress and gets a lesson in brick pavers from paver expert, Doug Rose.
S22 E17: Mark McCullough repairs a concrete walkway

How to Repair a Concrete Sidewalk in 5 Simple to Follow Steps

The freeze-thaw cycle is wreaking havoc on a homeowner’s walkway, but This Old House mason Mark McCullough answers the call.
Concrete Application

How to Resurface Worn Concrete

Trowel concrete resurfacer over your worn walkway, and you'll have a brand new, durable surface with uniform color. Before you get started, check out this how-to video on working with concrete.
S21 E15, Mark McCullough installs a pea stone walkway

How to Install a Pea Stone Walkway in 7 Simple to Follow Steps

Create a beautiful pea stone walkway for your yard with this guide covering everything from planning to installation and maintenance.

The Best Ice Melt for Driveways

Mason Mark McCullough gives a basic overview of a few different ways to de-ice walkways and driveways during the winter, and how those deicers impact different types of masonry.

How to Install Precast Concrete Steps

Mason Mark McCullough helps a homeowner remove his crumbling stone steps. Then, he tours a factory to learn how precast concrete steps are made and helps install a set at the homeowner’s house.

How to Redo a Brick Path

In this video and guide, This Old House Mason Mark McCullough shares how to redo a brick walkway that was originally a rush job.

How to Build a Concrete Paver Walkway

Concrete pavers are great for designing and creating a gorgeous walkway for your home. Learn how with this simple DIY guide.

How To Replace a Concrete Walkway With Brick Pavers

Ask This Old House mason, Mark McCullough, replaces a cracked and worn concrete walkway with new brick pavers.

How To Install and Maintain a Rustic Stone Walkway

Elevate your property's outdoor space by installing a front walkway using natural, rustic stone. Our step-by-step guide shows you how to place stones properly.

How to Repair a Paver Walkway With a few Simple Tools

A damaged walkway can be an eyesore and a safety hazard. Learn how to repair a paver walkway with just a few simple tools, and how to properly maintain it.

How to Build a Bluestone Walkway

Ask This Old House landscaping contractor Roger Cook helps a homeowner remove a flagstone walkway and replace it with bluestone
Two men working on repairing a stone walkway leading to a home.

How To Repair and Restore a Broken Stone Walkway

If you've got cracked stones creating a safety hazard on your walkway, don't stress. Replacing them is a manageable DIY project.

How to Repair a Mortared Flagstone Walkway

This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows a no-mortar way to fix a mortared walkway
A man using a mallet to repair a brick walkway

How To Repair a Brick Walkway to Boost Curb Appeal

If your brick walkway has bumps and chips in it, it's time for a repair. Luckily, this DIY task isn't as daunting as it may seem.

How to Build a Flagstone Walkway

This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows how to rescue an old stone walkway

How to Lay a Brick Paver Walkway

This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook shows how to lay a beautiful and long-lasting pathway

How to Repair an Asphalt Walkway

Has a tree root caused your asphalt walkway to raise up and crack? Don't worry - seasoned DIYers can handle this fix in a day.

How to Lay a Bluestone Walkway

A bluestone walkway can be a gorgeous way to spruce up your landscaping, and most DIYers can build it themselves. Read on to find out how.
A man setting two stone slabs against each other.

Everything You Need to Know to Set Stone Slabs Perfectly

Learn how landscapers make beautiful, long-lasting steps from giant stone slabs with This Old House's Roger Cook and a licensed stonemason.

How To Repair a Flagstone Walkway

Do you have a loose or cracked flagstone in your walkway? You can fix it yourself with these step-by-step instructions.

How to Lay the Base for a Brick Path

This Old House landscaping contractor Roger Cook shows how to prep the ground for a beautiful brick walkway

How To Lift a Sinking Concrete Slab

Got sloping patios or uneven sidewalks? See how to lift a sinking concrete slab with This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook.

How to Lay a Gravel Path

In this how-to video, This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook creates a rustic DIY gravel walkway

How To Lay a Perfect Flagstone Walkway in 4 Simple Steps

In this how-to video, learn to create a beautiful natural-stone walkway with This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook.

How To Design a Brick Walkway

Design a custom brick walkway for your yard or garden with this easy how-to guide. Follow these expert tips to learn everything you need.

How To Powerwash a Walkway

Get your outdoor walkway looking as good as new. Here's everything you need to know to power wash your walkway and get a professional finish.

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